About me.
Firstly, what distinguishes me :
- I attach great importance to kindness, positive communication and solidarity.
- I enjoy solving complex problems, and I enjoy helping my colleagues solving the most mysterious bugs.
- I am a proactive team-player and I demonstrate a sense of service to my colleagues.
- I'm user-centric, and I think first and foremost about the added value for the user when designing a feature.
I'm a software engineer, specializing in Java development.
I'm a graduate of the ESIEE engineering school (formerly ESIPE, CTI accreditation, Université de Paris-Est), with over 14 years of experience.
I work as :
- Technical leader: guide and train a team of developers,
- Software architect: identifying constraints and making technical choices,
- Senior Java Developer: audit, develop and enhance the technical base and functionalities.
My main skills :
- Java, Spring: Core, Boot, Data, Cloud Config, Security, Feign, MVC, Webflow
- Hibernate, MyBatis, REST, SOAP, JHipster, Eureka, Zuul
- Mockito, JUnit, DBUnit
- Javascript, Typescript, NodeJS, SocketCluster
- SQL, HQL, Cypher (Neo4J)
- Python 3, Bash, C, Perl, PHP
- Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL
- Neo4J, MongoDB
- IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse
- Git, SourceTree
- Maven, Jira, Bamboo (Bamboo Specs), Jenkins, Sonar
- Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab
- Dynatrace, Splunk
- Angular 14+, Angular Material, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Primefaces, JSP, JQuery JasperReports, HTML, CSS
Web servers
- Tomcat, Nginx, Apache
- Shell Unix, Bash
- Unix (Debian, CentOS), Windows Server
- Keycloak, Kerberos, Auth0, Let’s Encrypt
Google Cloud
- Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud SQL, Firestore, Storage
Certification Java SE 7 Programmer 1
English (full professional proficiency), French (native)
I'm curious and passionate about clean code concepts.
ESIEE, formerly ESIPE engineering school. Official Master's degree in computer science Minor: Spanish; GPA: 3.35, anticipated in May 2014